Which BTS Guy Would You Attract?

If you're anything like us, you already know which BTS guy is your bias! However, do you know which BTS member would go for you in real life? Anyone who's used a dating app knows that the chemistry between you and someone you chat with online isn't always replicated when you meet in person. If you ran into BTS at a party, would your bias Jungkook hit on you, or would you end up talking to funny, handsome Jin all night? If you, Jimin and J-Hope were competing in a Seoul club's dance contest, would your bias Jimin's competitive nature prevent him from asking you out later, leaving you free to flirt up a storm with cheerful, sweet J-Hope? If you want to have a strong imaginary relationship with one of the members of BTS, it's important to figure out which guy your personality would actually draw in. In other words, this isn't just about your feelings; the emotions of your potential BTS boyfriend need to be taken into account as well. Jungkook might like your take-charge attitude, but Suga would love it! And V might respect your fondness for travel, but RM is the BTS guy who'd be most fascinated by it. Are you ready to learn which BTS guy would definitely go for you? If so, it's time to put on "Boy with Luv" and play this quiz!

Many of us are wandering which is really the member of BTS with whom we could form a relationship with. Well this test will answer your questions! This is one of the most accurate and objective quizzes you can find!

Created by: Amor Valdez
  1. What is the most relaxing place you have ever been?
  2. What do you usually eat for breakfeast?
  3. What kind of music do you LOVE
  4. Are you competitive?
  5. When you are in a good mood, what's your favorite BTS song?
  6. Is your hair dyed?
  7. Do you prefer tall or short guys?
  8. If you were in BTS, what member would you be?
  9. Are you shy?
  10. How long have you been a member of ARMY? In other words, how long have you been a BTS fan?
  11. What's your favorite BTS friendship?
  12. Of the following signs, which one do you identify most with?
  13. Which BTS member is your favorite?
  14. Do you have any hobbies?
  15. Are you a good dancer?
  16. What K-pop group do you like other than BTS?
  17. Who do you think is the most talented member of BTS?
  18. Do you care about doing well in school?

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