Which Brady Bunch Character Are You?

Brady Bunch is a show from the seventies. It went from 1969 to 1974. They made five seasons. There is Mike, Carol, Greg, Marcia, Peter, Jan, Bobby, Cindy, and don't forget Alice!

Take this quiz to find out which Brady Bunch character you are. Are you groovy like Greg? Are you popular like Marcia? Perhaps you sneaky like Bobby or cute like Cindy. Take this quiz to find out!

Created by: Adeline
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Greg! Come ask this person a question! Greg: Okay, I have a groovy one, What do people describe you as?
  2. Marcia! Your turn! Marcia: Okay, what is your position in school? me: I should have known.
  3. Okay, Peter! Peter: How would you try to get a girl [or boy] me: why, why this question!
  4. Jan! Your turn! Jan: Finally! What word appeals to you most? me: nice job Jan: thank you!
  5. Bobby! Get over here and ask this person a question! Bobby: Fine! Whats your favorite game? me: whew
  6. Cindy! Cindy: What is bothers you the most
  7. Mike would you please ask a question? Mike: sure, what is your favorite color? me: I should have known
  8. Carol! Carol: What is your favorite outfit?
  9. Alice, your turn! Alice: What is your favorite food?
  10. Who is your favorite character? [does not effect score]

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Quiz topic: Which Brady Bunch Character am I?