Which book are you most like?

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There are many great novels out there, but have you ever thought about which one you were most like? Now you can know.

Which book are YOU most like? Are you girly, like Emma, sad, like Jane Eyre, Joyful, like Little Women, or "I don't know" like Oliver Twist? Find out in this quiz!

Created by: Lacy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your parents always pay the_________attention to you.
  2. You have a lot of siblings (or kids you live with)
  3. Do you like the kids you live with( if you live with any)
  4. Are you happy?
  5. What's your favorite holiday.
  6. What's your favorite food of these 4?
  7. You are:
  8. You love to:
  9. Of these animals, which do you like the most?
  10. I hate...

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Quiz topic: Which book am I most like?