Which Big Brother houseguest would you be?

This is so ridiculous and I'll be entirely mortified if I can't even delete this and have wasted all this time doing this. I hope you read and enjoy every stupid thing I've said as I'm sure you have a lot of time to spare~

The maker of this quiz site obviously wasn't a genius or he would have figured out a way to edit it without having to go back and do the whole piece of crap quiz all over again.

Created by: Jill
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you were to stub your toe what would you scream out?
  2. if you were dying today what would you be doing with your time?
  3. okay, if you were stranded on a desert island what would be the one thing you want with you?
  4. you were thinking of quitting a really annoying quiz but couldn't decide how to better spend your time. Would you...?
  5. you're starving to death. What would you most want to eat?
  6. what is your name?
  7. you have a stripper name. what is it?
  8. your boyfriends name is ?
  9. this is ridiculous. when can I start a fresh quiz and delete this?
  10. your real name is?

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