Which Bad Sans Are You

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Hello, My name is Mori and I'm new. I love Undertale Aus and I hope you like the quiz. It is 6 answers and 7 questions. I know it is small but I ran out of ideas...

The answers are secret aswell.....they are Nightmare, Error, Cross, Killer, Dust, and Horror. I hope you get the one you want. If you want it to be more accurate, answer truthfully and not based on an Oc or what you think the character would be. Please enjoy the quiz

Created by: Genocidal_Souls
  1. Ok, I know this is an over used question...but what is your favorite color?
  2. What run do you prefer?
  3. Are you ok with real life gore(not through a screen)
  4. Do you like murder?
  5. Weapon? This is obvious ik
  6. Asthetic out of these
  7. Im...out of ideas .... who u wanna get?
  8. Um... what is your idea of a good time
  9. Pick an animal
  10. Pick a God/Goddess

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Quiz topic: Which Bad Sans am I

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