Which Backround Pony are you? *UPDATED 2014-2015*

This quiz is made o see what background pony you are. So let's find out! Only 4 choices right now and more being added later on in the year! Go on now!

This quiz is made o see what background pony you are. So let's find out! Only 4 choices right now and more being added later on in the year! Go on now! SALAD DRESSING!

Created by: Hiro takashi
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Favorite hobby?
  2. Favorite color?
  3. Personality?
  4. Job?
  5. Pets?
  6. Food?
  7. T.V shows?
  8. Who do you think you are? More being added soon.
  9. Spades, Joker, hearts, Or jacks
  10. Are you going to BronyCon 2015?

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Quiz topic: Which Backround Pony am I? *UPDATED 2014-2015*