Which Amnesia: Justine suitor would you hang out with?

Yeah, it's a strange question, "Which suitor would you hang out with?" However, I feel that first of all, there needs to be more Amnesia: Justine quizzes in this wide world, and second, if I don't ask the strange questions, who will?

Take the quiz. See what you get. Tweak your answers when you take it a second time to get the result you really wanted. Yeah, I know you people do that. Don't deny it. Cheaters... ;)

Created by: Kuri
  1. What would you do/say if Alois staggered into the room you're in right now? (Also, for the duration of the quiz, I am assuming you are not Justine)
  2. How about if Basile came into the room?
  3. And finally, what if it was Malo who came in?
  4. What's your opinion on Alois's little obsession with Justine?
  5. Do you think Basile is right to be so angry with Justine? I mean, he was spouting some /really/ colorful threats back there...
  6. Do you find Malo to be scary?
  7. If you could "rescue" one of the suitors from the confines of Justine's basement, who would you choose?
  8. Let's say you were locked in a room with one of these guys. Who'd you prefer? Remember to think about whether or not they would drive you insane, kill you, and/or not get along with you.
  9. Which suitor do you sympathize with the most? (Doesn't have to be for the reason written down.)
  10. Last question: Which suitor do you honestly think you'd get along best with? And I mean honestly. Don't base your answer on the result you want. Which suitor's personality would you not violently clash with?
  11. I lied. Here's the REAL last question: What's your favorite color?

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