Which 2016 Nonfiction Award Nominee should you read?

Five excellent books were nominated to receive the 2016 Youth Media Award for Nonfiction. Have you wondered which one you should read? Here is a quiz to help you decide.

A special thanks goes out to NoveList Plus, Goodreads, the real committee for 2016 YMAs Nonfiction, and my mock committee team in LIS566. You all help make history accessible.

Created by: auntMsK
  1. I'm in the mood for something...
  2. Please be sure my nonfiction book has...
  3. I'd rather read...
  4. I want the main character(s) in this nonfiction work to be...
  5. A subject I enjoy is...
  6. Pick a time period...
  7. Pick a location...
  8. Pick a length...
  9. Pick a subtitle...
  10. Pick an author...

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Quiz topic: Which 2016 Nonfiction Award Nominee should I read?