Whic Leader are you?

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For warrior cats lovers ;) I suggest you to take this if your on the fifth of sixth book over, If you have read Bluestar's Prophecy then you would know who Pinestar is.

YALL CAT LOVERS OUT THERE, READ WARRIOR CATS!!!It's great it has battles, it's dramatic, it has mystery's, and all sorts, i generally love the books! They are awsome!

Created by: Lizzie!
  1. Medicine Cat stuff!What helps stop cuts from bleeding?
  2. If a cat in your clan was telling another clan your plans, What would you do?
  3. If a clan was about to raid and you knew it,What would you do?
  4. If your clan was under attack, what would you do?
  5. If you woke up and there was a forest fire, what would you do?
  6. If a cat was trying to murder you for leader's place what would you do?
  7. What would you do if your clan got driven out of the forest?
  8. If you weren't a leader, what would you rather be?
  9. If you weren't in Thunderclan what clan would you choose?
  10. MORE MEDICINE CAT STUFF!!! .w.What helps calm / put to sleep cats?

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Quiz topic: Whic Leader am I?
