Where should you go to school? (fictional)

Don't you wish you could go to a school that doesn't exist? I've seen Hogwarts quizzes and such, but there are four topics to choose from. I won't tell you them until you get your result...

Now time to finally figure out where YOU truly belong and in what school. Take this quiz to figure it all out. This quiz is for both boys AND girls. Have fun!!

Created by: Alicia
  1. What do you like to do in your spare time?
  2. Who/ what is your enemy?
  3. What's your favorite animal?
  4. Do you paint your nails?
  5. #pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
  6. Mary had a little...
  7. What is most important in life?
  8. What would you rather do right now?
  9. What test are you taking?
  10. Did you find out?

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Quiz topic: Where should I go to school? (fictional)