Whats your Waukesha hot spot?!

This is a quiz which is fine tuned to let you know exactly what Waukesha hot spot you frequent most, It does not necessarily reflect on what bar is your FAVORITE. Each answer is for each question was given a point value between -6 and 6 letting you know exactly how accurate it is!

Fill out everything as honestly as you can, remember, don't lean toward your favorite just because you want something to end up being your answers. Some questions are all to obvious what the answers are going to be. Just answer properly and you should get a darn accurate result!

Created by: Waukesha
  1. You're friend just handed a dollar and told to go to the Jukebox and play a good song. If its a night with a dj you have to request a song instead...You pick.....
  2. I go to the bar mainly to....
  3. A good bar tender is....
  4. The distance and location of a bar is just important is how fun it is, this is because....
  5. When I see a bar fight I think....
  6. The general population of the bar I go to is usually always...
  7. The price of drinks play...
  8. Bar close sucks. My bar always...
  9. My chances of sneaking in an underage friend are...
  10. Usually I am...
  11. The bars I usually go to have...

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Quiz topic: Whats my Waukesha hot spot?!