whats your super power quiz?

Me and my friend have been motavated to create a quiz like this fr awile. So one day we decieded to get togheter and make one! So.....

Weve made a ton of cool quizes on this website. You should try it out to! It doesnt take very long. I hope that if you tried it, thay you enjoyed taking it! Thank you! And have a great day, or Night!

Created by: Mals
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you afraid of the dark?
  2. Do you like to go swimming?
  3. Would you ever go camping alone, in creepy dark woods?
  4. Would you ever go sky diving?
  5. Do you like being outside?
  6. Do you like being helpful?
  7. Do you like animals?
  8. Do you like to have campfires?
  9. Do you like smowboarding or skiing?
  10. Do you enjoy nature?

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Quiz topic: Whats my super power quiz?