whats your lucky #

there are so many # in the world but you lucky # is.. well im personally don't know! but this quiz does!! but you should figure it out and make sure to let everyone know in the comments!!!

whats your lucky number?? wanna know take this quiz to find out! don't wait its a amazing quiz you have to try!!! if you click o it youll figure it out in a matter of minutes! so dont wiat!!

Created by: taylor
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. fav color??
  2. winter???
  3. how many friends do you have
  4. you see a hot girl/guy you hit on them and they aren't intrested. what do you do next
  5. how do you describe yourself
  6. if yu could live anywhere where
  7. fav show?
  8. kids or adults
  9. you walk into a bar everyone is dressed nicely and all eyes on you(your dresses like you just came out of a garbage) what do you do?
  10. this is the last question

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Quiz topic: Whats my lucky #