What Zelda: Twilight Princess Character Are You?

there are good people and bad people. there are awesome people and geeky people. are you Zelda, Link, Ganondorf, or Ilia? ( lets not hope ur Ilia ) LOL HAHA

are YOU Zelda? are YOU Link? are YOU Ganondorf? are YOU Ilia? well click a button to se ur results or somthin'. LOL HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Created by: Sophie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you couragous?
  2. are you evil? 0_0
  3. i dont like you
  4. r u young?
  5. do you like the legend of zelda?
  7. i lak u!!!!!!
  8. what is your favorite color?
  9. what is your hair colour
  10. did you like this quiz???

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Quiz topic: What Zelda: Twilight Princess Character am I?