what you would look like as a real Wolf

This quiz is about if you are a wolf. There are many wolves and many questions but im telling you its worth it. you can get many wolves and there are other animals to.

What kind of wolf are you? black white, gray? or are you another animal and not a wolf ? well lets find out take my quiz and find out what kind of wolf or animal you are.

Created by: jade

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like wolves of any kind? (its ok if you dont like wolves there are other animals in this quiz)
  2. if you had to live in the wild what would you eat?
  3. where would you sleep at night?
  4. where would you live at as a wolf
  5. is you were an alpha how would you accept wolves into your pack?
  6. if you were challenged you would......
  7. do you want kids and mate?
  8. ok how would you handle a wolf making fun of you?
  9. do you like bunnies?
  10. would you eat bunnie no effective

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