what you should be

Are you a genius or totally dum in the skull. Take the quiz to find out. Try and find your job for life by doing all the questions. Answer carefully! This could be your future we are talking about now this moment!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now you must read this if you have read it all!!!!!!

Do you have special quality. Love certain things. Fing others borng. Take the qiz that considers all. Being broadcast today onwards.Chose the answers carefully!!!!! This could be your fate on the line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now you must do the quiz if you have read all of this text!!!!!!!!!

Created by: erica
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Good with numbers?
  2. Don't mind blood gore bones and sick?
  3. Live in the past
  4. Hve alot of patience?
  5. Like loads of people?
  6. Are you kind?
  7. This is the last question Did you believe me?
  8. Did you think the quiz was...
  9. Do you want other quizzes like it?
  10. Will you do this quiz again?
  11. Are ready for the result?

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