
This quiz gives you scenarios. You click whatever sounds most like how you would react. The quiz then tells you which of the X-Men:TAS characters is most like you.

Some of these scenarios might be hard to answer. You'll have to examine your own biases and how you interact with people who are different from you. No one is perfect, even the X-Men are prejudiced without meaning to be.

Created by: Mystique
  1. Your powers are turning out to be difficult to manage. You worry that it won't be long before you lose control and hurt someone. How do you handle it?
  2. Someone is calling you and your friend slurs because you're mutants. How do you respond?
  3. You got hurt pretty bad in a battle. One of your teammates comes to check on you. What do you do?
  4. One of your teammates has been acting off. What do you do?
  5. You're given $1,000,000 to donate to a charity. What do you pick?
  6. You've heard that there's a cure for mutant powers. What do you think of it?
  7. Do those with visible mutations (such as tails, different-color hair, etc.) have it worse?
  8. A mutant lost control of their powers and accidentally killed someone. This is someone who has been able to manage their powers for a long time. Are they responsible for the murder?
  9. One of your teammates got hit pretty hard. They're trying to tell you they're fine, but you don't really believe them. What do you do?
  10. Which word describes you best?

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