What X-men Character Are You?

There are clever people but are they clever enough to score wolverine on my test? Lets see. If you do congratulations. If you don't o well you aren't that clever.

If you get close congratulations you are a clever mutant. If you are a smokin' hot girl hello and how r u? Hit me up on my myspace page the numbers represent letters. /10 8 1 19 9 757 (757 doesn't stand for a letter).

Created by: Jhari
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you could have a cool feature what would it be?
  2. What color would your super suit be?
  3. How tall would you be?
  4. Would you be immortal?
  5. Who is your favorite?
  6. Would you be the leader?
  7. Would you be the bad boy?
  8. Would be a vegetarian?
  9. Would you shave?
  10. Would you date?

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Quiz topic: What X-men Character am I? You can find more quizzes like this one in our X-Men Quiz category.