What would be your warrior cat story?

This is a FUN quiz. Please do not be mad if you do not get the answer that you wish. I put in a lot of time into this, feel free to show this to your friends!

Possible answers: BirdHeart (ThunderClan), FeatherStar (RiverClan), BreezeFang (WindClan), DarkSight (ShadowClan), FlowerStar (SkyClan), Night (Kittypet), Red (Rogue)

Created by: Mateya
  1. Boy or girl?
  2. Suffix?
  3. Suffix?
  4. How do you fight?
  5. Do you have a mate?
  6. Choose a clan
  7. Where would you rather be?
  8. What is your favorite color out of these?
  9. Do you believe in StarClan?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What would be my warrior cat story?
