What would be the right job for you?

Did you know that your personality can determine who you are? It can! Sometimes, just the way you walk, talk, or write can show someone just who you really are.

But I bet you didn't know it can determine what job you should get! Are you creative? Good with words? Love food? Are a big reader? All these things help me figure out: What job are you? Simply take this quiz, and see if you got what you want!

Created by: ilovemyhavanese
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you were to write a report on France, the first thing you would do would be...
  2. When you fail a test, you would most likely...
  3. If you had to sum it up to one reason why you like, LOVE your BFF, its because...
  4. You just found out your friend, Jessie Smith, is going to move away to London! What do you do to say goodbye?
  5. What would be the ultimate birthday present?
  6. When you move to a new school, how would you make new friends?
  7. What do you like to wear the most?
  8. Would you want to help kids with diabetes?
  9. You see a dog on the street. He has no collar, and he is very skinny. When he see's you, he runs over and licks your hand. You..
  10. When you make an art project in school, you think:
  11. How would you say goodbye?

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