What wolf ranking are you?

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Ello. this quiz will tell you your wolf ranking! ik awesome right before you go to the quiz two things 1 This is my first quiz so it might not be the best 2 Check out my tiktok acc Jesse_The_Legend6 is my username so check me out

Not all of this will be true I tried spent hours looking at wolf behaviour and stuff like that but anyways enjoy dont forget to check me out on tiktok Jesse_The_Legend6

Created by: NOOOO
  1. Your on your way to mark your territory. You hear a yowl you go to check it out a wolf! there injured.. what do you?
  2. You hear another noise! its a pup! playful and defenceless wHaT eVeR sHaLl yOu dO? its all your choice..
  3. You come across a fresh territory by the river perfect for raising cubs and hunting with lots of rabbits cow elk and more what do you do? its up to you
  4. your looking for a mate.. who do you want them to be like? its allllllllllllllllllllllll your choice EVIL CRUEL sweet kind AGRSSIVE AND RUDE protective and playful
  5. you just found a challenger wolf who has wondered in your territory for some prey what will you do? there also will fight back so there not going to be able to make them leave without a fight
  7. you see a friendly wolf what are you going to do they seem friendly enough to approach so you do
  8. You come across another wolf pack they ask if you want to join there pack what do you do?
  9. OH MY Your so hungry what are we going to do?(its season of fawns)
  10. Your mate wants pups how cute what do you say?

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Quiz topic: What wolf ranking am I?
