what wingsoffire dragon are you

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hey welcome to my quiz I have another one of these but this one includes the hivewings and the silkwings ( yay ) one reason I made this was to challenge

my mom but this will be more than I thought I hope you like it I am so exited to see what you will say about it I hope you will like it buy for now. .

Created by: copperdragon
  1. do you do what you are told
  2. do you ever feel mind contraled
  3. do you want to read books all day
  4. do you love your siblings
  5. how much do you like water
  6. do you love fighting
  7. do you like putting your famly in ranks
  8. whould you like to do nothing all day
  9. will you answer this
  10. last will you go to the pool every day

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Quiz topic: What wingsoffire dragon am I
