What Wings of Fire tribe are you (both continents)

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Hello! in this quiz you will (hopefully) figure out which tribe from Wings of Fire you are from, and get the answer you wanted, unlike me, i always wanted SeaWing or SilkWing and never got them.

i love wings of fire and i never found a quiz that had the same answer as another quiz, so i decided to make my own because i love wings of fire, and i know lots of other people do.

Created by: Nathan
  1. whats your favorite color
  2. whats your favorite food
  3. you discover you have animus magic (limitless power). what do you do
  4. what tribe do you wanna be (sorry that some are grouped together but you can only have 8 answers)
  5. a dragon kills your best friend and you know who it is. what do you do
  6. what power would you have
  7. how do react to having a crush on someone
  8. what element relates most to you
  9. where's your dream vacation
  10. another tribe is invading you. what do you do
  11. of these who is your favorite character
  12. what is your opinion of me

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Quiz topic: What Wings of Fire tribe am I (both continents)
