What wings of fire dragon are you?

i attemted to tack all factors into account im sorry if soemthing seems off this took a whiel to mack so dont spam me in the comments if i got something wrong or something dosent mack sence

hope you do enjoy this quiz I tried its also my first quiz so yea I got sandwing share what you got in the comments and uh enjoy not much elas for me to say

Created by: Classified info (:
  1. what did you eat for breackfast?
  2. whats one of the things you do in your free time?
  3. witch queen?
  4. What book?
  5. if you had the choice, whear would you live?
  6. witch side wear you on durring the war?
  7. you just learned your an animus! what kind of animus are you?
  8. you think you are:
  9. your scales are...
  10. A sloth or a snake

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Quiz topic: What wings of fire dragon am I?
