What will be your dogs name?

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What will be your dogs name? I don’t know! Take this short quiz to find out what your dogs name will be! In each answer will be two names because I don’t know what your dogs gender is!

Do you already have a dog or not! Do you believe that your ready for a dog! Dogs are beautiful and need a lot of love and time! I recently adopted a puppy and didn’t realize that she would be this much work but now we know!

Created by: Niner Boat
  1. What gender
  2. What breed will they be
  3. Will the be a rescue or not
  4. How old will they be when you adopt them
  5. How many do you want
  6. Are you ready for a dog? They’re a lot of work
  7. How old are you
  8. What gender are you
  9. Why do you want a dog
  10. Do you have any children

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Quiz topic: What will be my dogs name?
