What whale can you SPIRITUALLY fit inside of (answers)

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Whales are big creatures, but the only biggest thing in this world are our Spirits, our spirits and auras guide us and we guide them, to truly understand the size of your spirit, you can measure if your spirit can fit inside a whale

the smaller the spirit, the less whales you can fit in (spiritually) but larger aspirits can fit in larger whales (metaphorically) so look beyond, can you? imagine? whales?

Created by: Zoobuhgoo of Not Wikipedia
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  1. Have you ever danced before?
  2. Out of C.U.M (Canada, United States, Mexico) which one has the most fast food places that you are a fan of?
  3. Do you have fond memories of lemon bread
  4. There is a tropical storm hurtling towards you, what do you do out of these options?
  5. Do you use the bathroom when in ikea but flush in like aa weird way and you dont really know why
  6. You find a rabbit in the yard and it's speaking german
  7. you find out that your signature catchphrase is a slur
  8. You have to hold someone hostage
  9. do you feel regret or totally killing that squirrel last year
  10. last question: favorite color?

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Quiz topic: What whale can I SPIRITUALLY fit inside of (answers)
