What Warrior cat would you be?

This quiz will tell you what Warrior cat out of Fireheart, Graystripe, Tigerclaw and Bluestar that you are. Tell your friends about this multiple answer quiz.

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Created by: Eve
  1. What is your favourite species of cat?
  2. What clan would you be in?
  3. Would you start as a Kittypet?
  4. What do your friends describe you as?
  5. Who is your favourite Warrior?
  6. What would your last name be if you were a warrior?
  7. What would your first name be if you were a warrior?
  8. Who is your favourite cat outside of a clan?
  9. Who is your favourite apprentice in Thunderclan?
  10. Who is your favourite queen?
  11. Who is your favourite elder?

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