What Vegetable Are You?

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Vegetables are like people. They can have attitudes and are rather touchy sometimes. They can be sweet, kind, and happy when they want too. Some are leaders and others are followers.

Which of the wonderful vegetables in the world are you? There are five different vegetables that you could be. I'm not saying, because that would spoil the surprise, but take this quiz and find out!

Created by: Fire_Fairy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you have a fire-mouth (sarcastic comments)?
  2. Is personality something that matters about people?
  3. Are you a natural leader?
  4. In a group of five, what are you?
  5. Which color do you prefer?
  6. YOUR personality is.........
  7. Tomatoes are...........
  8. Peppers are.....................
  9. Green Beans are..............
  10. Squash is.......
  11. Cucumbers are..............
  12. All in all, vegetables are.........

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Quiz topic: What Vegetable am I?