What valid after october 18th character are you.?

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Remember my last quiz? I’m doing another quiz on the same subject! Here it is! So in transformation.......,,,,,'......!!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitreyeu

...gold! Pink! Green! And yellow! Here we go! Activate chains! Gold chain, go! The power of the sun is done! Pink chain, go! Pink was plinked! Green chain,go! Grass ‘n’ brass! There is no chains for me, ‘cause I’m RICKY!

Created by: Starryone
  1. Percent on my last quiz?
  2. Favourite emoji?
  3. Girl or boy?
  4. Favourite number?
  5. Which heart?
  6. You are forced to battle in 15 minutes. What place would you want to battle in?
  7. Yikes! You are five minutes late ! The foe pays you a fine. What do you do?
  8. Battle start! The foe uses:
  9. You won . What move did you use?
  10. The end...

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Quiz topic: What valid after october 18th character am I.?
