What type of Windows are you?

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Windows is love, windows is life. But witch one? Your goanna find out! Operating systems:Linux,Mac, NOPE! Its Microsoft Windows (since 1985) Go check it!

WHAT WINDOWS ARE YOU! A QUIZ FULL OF WINDOWSNESS! TRY IT OUT! (just dont land on.... Nevermind.) 95,XP,VISTA,7,8 ETC! TRY IT OUT! ITS COOL! Sorry for my words, i dont have any other idea.

Created by: Hint create
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What computer are you using?
  2. What is your age?
  3. What logo does your computer have?
  4. Are you XP?
  5. Error?
  6. Is your computer slow?
  7. You like this quiz?
  8. Do your computer like water
  9. Uhh, i dont know any questions. Do you have an idea?
  10. Last question.

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Quiz topic: What type of Windows am I?