What Type Of Unicorn Are You?

Do you like unicorns is not the name. I will tell you. This quiz is called umm you can call it are you a fire/light unicorn a love unicorn water unicorn nature unicorn dark unicorn ice/snow unicorn or a rainbow unicorn.

But for short it's called what type of unicorn are you. The results are fire/light unicorn love unicorn water unicorn nature unicorn dark unicorn ice/snow unicorn or a colourful rainbow unicorn.

Created by: Uni
  1. What are your favourite colour (if you choose that colour that colour will be your wings)
  2. Where do you like living?
  3. What is your favourite mythical creature?
  4. What result you might get?
  5. What do you like eating or drinking?
  6. What do you like to do?
  7. What will your dream room look like?
  8. Do you like the results?
  9. Do you believe in unicorns?
  10. What do you like your dream name to be?
  11. And last did you like this quiz.
  12. Sorry this is last do you like to have wings.

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Quiz topic: What Type Of Unicorn am I?
