what type of person are you?

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Theres a lot of nice people around here but some people have bad personalities. In this quiz ive made for you, you can see if your a nice person that everyone loves or a self centered person.

In this quiz you can be nice you can be self centered you can love yourself you can be just OKAY with yourself. There are several personalities in the world. Find out what yours is!

Created by: logan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If someone needed money would you give it to them?
  2. When you find trash on the ground you...
  3. In a public store if someone bumps into you, you...
  4. What is your hobby?
  5. What is your favorite number?
  6. When buying food you...
  7. Why do you love your friends?
  8. If your best friends ex asked you out what would you say?
  9. Have you ever got mad because your best friends crush is also yours?
  10. Other peoples opinion to you...

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Quiz topic: What type of person am I?