What Type of Leader Are You? Warriors Quiz

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Hi! I'm Sansaloo! In this quiz, you can see what leader you most relate to! This is a RP quiz but PLEASE don't use any of my characters! They are rightfully mine and I would not like it if you take them from me!

This quiz has some violence like in the books, so just as a heads up, be ready. Be truthful when answering. If you don't like what you got, you can retake the quiz.

Created by: Sansaloo
  1. (First of all. Hi! You can call me Sansaloo! This is my first quiz in THIS account. I've done many in another! These questions are gonna be like this: You are walking through the forest when you hear a bird flutter over your head, squawking. What do you do? Like that!)
  2. You open your eyes and you look up to see a queen with beautiful yellow eyes and a bright ginger coat. She licks you and nudges you to get up. You look around and you see two kits tumbling in the moss of the nursery. What do you do next?
  3. Another kit walks up to you and beckons you to come to the far end of the nursery. The black and white spotted pelt looks cute. What do you do?
  4. You sit and start to lick your orange pelt. The spotted kit sat next to you and smiled. "H-hi! I'm Mosskit! You must be Pumpkinkit!" (Mosskit is my Warriors OC, Pumpkinkit is my second.) The little kit seems to like you. What do you do?
  5. The kit sits and watches you as you walk away to your mother. You look back at the cute she-cat and she looks back at you. You quickly turn your head and you hear a giggle coming from Mosskit. She pads up to you and sits. Your fur slowly stands on end. Turning away you blush. Then---
  6. Suddenly, a big white tom comes rushing in fur on end and blood dripping from his neck. "ShadowClan! There invading camp!" He yowls and licks your mother on the ear. He then runs out and stands at the entrance of the nursery, his white pelt stained in blood. You wonder why he licked your mother, then realized that he was your father. What do you do in this crisis?
  7. Mosskit darts out of the nursery and jumps on top of a dark tabby apprentice. They shriek as she digs her teeth into there neck. Then, unusually, she licks up the blood and continues to fight. (Mosskit is not a vampire, she just loves the taste of blood...like me!) You--
  8. Mosskit gets scratched badly on the muzzle and falls. (This is just Mosskit's past. She is the Deputy of ThunderClan right now) Hopeheart, ThunderClan's medicine cat, ran up and picked her up by the scruff. Mosskit hung from her mouth. Hopeheart sprinted over to the medicine den and set her on a moss bed. You ran after her. Sitting next to Mosskit, you notice Hopeheart left the den to look for more injured cats. Suddenly, you turn and start licking Mosskit's muzzle. Hopeheart comes in. You--
  9. The battle ends. Blood covers the ground and a few dead bodies lay on the ground. You hide in the medicine den and stare at the vacant area before you. The smell of blood wafted into your nose, making your nose crinkle in disgust. ThunderClan's leader jumps up onto Highrock and addresses the Clan. "We have lost many brave and loyal cats today. Our Deputy; Grassfeather, an Apprentice; Dirtpaw, and two warriors; Oaktail and Wolfear. Let us mourn for our lost ones as we recover. The Deputy fell, and so I'll appoint a new one by Sundown." Panzystar jumps down and walks over to you. Hopeheart puts cobwebs on Mosskit's wounds and does the same with the others. You--
  10. (How was this quiz? I specialize in writing and I tried to make this like a short story!)

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Quiz topic: What Type of Leader am I? Warriors Quiz
