What type of dog are you?

This is for fun, of you are looking to get a dog and want to know what do you might like.This a fun fun quiz, and of you have the dog you got then plz make a comment!I love dogs and wanted do this for fun!

Just so you know some questions are not very accurate! Some of these questions are just for fun and not really accurate about the dogs, they are fun and some are accurate and some are not.

Created by: Horselover645
  1. If you were at Recess (pretend you still had recess) and you best friend, is being bullied what would you do
  2. (please pretend on all of these questions)Your husband is gone for a work trip and someone breaks into your house in the middle of the night what would you do?
  3. Your 6 year old sister falls in your lake house lake what do you do?
  4. Do you prefer meat of vegetables?
  5. What are your favorite colors??
  6. Do you like to have pants on in the summer or shorts?
  7. Do you like mystery movies of other genres
  8. Do you prefer cold weather or warm weather?
  9. Do you like to swim?
  10. How far do you like to go when you take walks

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Quiz topic: What type of dog am I?
