What type of dog are you?

My quiz don't make sence so have fun. I'm going to say random things. Thank you. I love you all..... not. By the way this is really dumb I can't use gibberish words. That sucks right. Ok so I bored. Are you bored because Im am. Anyway, I really do love you all. NOT. got you again.

Pie is really good. It is really good. It is so good. Oh my god stop talking about pie. Let's talk about chicken. No let's talk about blueberrys and other fruit like apples and pinapples and cherrys. Cherrys are good too. Cherry pie. Pumpkin Pie. Apple Pie. Bye

Created by: Micaela
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What is your favorite number?
  3. Why are you here?
  4. Are you gay?
  5. What is your favorite pie?
  6. Bored
  7. Do you play runescape?
  8. What is your favorite animal?
  9. Two answers
  10. Thinking
  11. DONE

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Quiz topic: What type of dog am I?