what Type Of Dancer Are You?

Have you always called yourself a dancer but never knew what type you were capable of? Well after a test like this you will know which one you are best at! Now you must be curious to know what type of dancer you are! Come here to find out and you will be suprised on what it is good luck!

Have you always called yourself a dancer but never knew what type you were capable of? Well after a test like this you will know which one you are best at! Now you must be curious to know what type of dancer you are! Good luck.

Created by: Johnathan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you dance in front of your house while blasting music?
  2. Do you get hyper when other people dance?
  3. When there is a party...
  4. When you have headphones on with ya favorite song..
  5. When you are done dancing what do you drink?
  6. When you have the floor...
  7. When a girl/boy pulls you to dance...
  8. When you are done dancing for the night..
  9. When you wake up you?
  10. In class you..

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Quiz topic: What Type Of Dancer am I? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Dance Quiz category.