What Type of Climbing Shoe Should You Wear

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Wondering what type of climbing shoes to get? We have listed the most popular ones. If some aren't listed, then that means there probably comparable to the ones we listed.

This quiz is for beginners and masters alike. Don't be afraid to venture out of your comfort zone to explore new terrain of climbing. Climbing rocks and so do you.

Created by: Dody
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your most favorite style of climbing?
  2. Do you climb more often in the Gym or Outside? (be honest)
  3. Do you like comfort or do you like performance?
  4. What hairstyle do you have?
  5. Who's your favorite climber?
  6. How much money do you make?
  7. How fast do you like to do things in life?
  8. How do you poop?
  9. What is your favorite color/color combination?
  10. Do you like climbing?

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Quiz topic: What Type of Climbing Shoe should I Wear