What type of cheerleader are you?

Have you ever wondered what type of cheerleader you are? if so take this quiz to find out! have fun and remeber its just a quiz so dont get upset if you dont get the results you like.

i have to ype a second paragraph but dont know what to say so i am just going to type whatever i feel like.. wass up! how are you today do you like cookies

Created by: hedgehoglover123
  1. how many hours a week do you practice each week?
  2. Do you like going to practice?
  3. Do you work hard?
  4. do you have a healthy diet?
  5. how many days a week do you strech?
  6. why do you do cheer?
  7. do you even like cheer?
  8. would you rather do any other sport?
  9. what did you think of this quiz
  10. pick a random number

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Quiz topic: What type of cheerleader am I?
