What tribe are you in WOF (Wings Of Fire)

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Hey! So this will determine what WOF (Wings of Fire) Dragon you are. There are Nightwings, Rainwings, Sandwings, Seawings, Mudwings, Skywings, Icewings, Hivewings, Silkwings and finally Leafwings!

Just pick any answer that best describes you! Please let me know your results and how you liked the quiz as well. Also sorry there aren't a lot of questions, but I did my best, and that's what matters!! -Hadleigh (Had-ley) ((I know it's spelled REALLY WEIRDLY))

Created by: Hadleigh
  1. What is your fav color
  2. Earth, Fire, Water, Air
  3. Hobbie?
  4. Where do you want to travel??
  5. What's your fav animal?
  6. Ok what do you want to be?
  7. Ummmm any ideas??
  8. Ok. You are flying and see a scavenger. What do you do??
  9. So if you die what tribe would kill you?
  10. Last question!Poop?And it may or may not affect your score...😏

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Quiz topic: What tribe am I in WOF (Wings Of Fire)
