What WOF Pantala tribe are you?

What WOF pantala dragon tribe do you belong to? This is a quiz that will tell you what tribe of dragons you belong to. This only includes the main dragon tribes from the first few books.

Possible results are: Rainwing, Seawing, Mudwing, Skywing, Nightwing, Icewing, and Sandwing; Silkwing, Hivewing, and Leafwing are not included in this quiz.

Created by: WOF fan 666
  1. What do you like to do for fun?
  2. If you could keep a pet, what would it be?
  3. What is your favorite kind of food?
  4. Where is your dream vacation?
  5. What would your friends say is your best quality?
  6. Pineapple on pizza?
  7. What is your favorite sport/activity?
  8. What would people say your worst quality is?
  9. Would you rather read a book or watch TV, youtube, netflix, etc.
  10. Who are you the most loyal to?

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Quiz topic: What WOF Pantala tribe am I?
