What to draw quiz

This quiz will help you think up some new drawing ideas. These ideas will be much more unique than other drawing quizes. No basic "landscape" , or " portrait" here.

Hope you enjoy the resaults you get. I do not own any images found in this quiz. If you have any complaints please leave them in the comments. Thanks for clicking on my quiz. I hope this gives you inspiratin.

Created by: Mia
  1. What do you normally draw?
  2. Would you consider yourself a good artist? ( I'm sure you are :p)
  3. Do you sell or publish your art?
  4. Do you draw with others?
  5. What to you draw/ color with
  6. would you let people see your sketch book
  7. What aspect of a person do you find the hardest to draw?
  8. Which of theese is your best subject?
  9. What is your favorite color
  10. And finally wich of these is most necessary to have in your art kit

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