What the dragonets of destiny think about you! (Wof)

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this quiz was made by my little brother. He doesn't have an acc on here so i let him use mine! Remember you're a RainWing whos kinda different from the rest of your tribe. You're strong and kinda violent.

Please don't hate on this. He worked hard and would appreciate it if you rated and commented on this. Thanks so much! I hope you enjoy and so dose Copperhead!

Created by: MojaveTHEweirdo
  1. This test includes roleplaying. that alright?
  2. You're a passing by RainWing. You come across Jade Mountain and see all the dragons entering it. What do you do?
  3. If you chose *Files in* Then:A NightWing walks up to you,She has purple and silver scales and a warm smile. "Hi there! Welcome to Jade Mountain Adademy!"
  4. If you chose *Flies away* Then: You land back in the RainWing kingdom. A pink dragon greets you and you relize its Jambu,Queen Glory's brother.
  5. Jambu waves at you. "Your names____,Right?"
  6. "Right! Sorry,Y/N!"
  7. If your at the school then: The NightWing looks at you, "I'm Fatespeeker! Your,Y/N right?"
  8. "Ill take you to Sunny and Starflight! They can help you from here!" Fatespeeker said,walking down a tunnle
  9. "Come On!" Fatespeeker said,putting a wing over you.
  10. "Oh. sorry!" She took her wing off you and took you to the library.
  11. To be continued!
  12. Okay okay...You meet the dods. Heres what they think of you now.

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