What "The Blockheads" Mob Are You?

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If you love the mobs in The Blockheads, then this is the quiz for you! Find out what mob you are in just a few questions... The results might surprise you!

Are you a hostile mob, like the cave troll, or perhaps a friendly donkey? The answer is just a few clicks away! The test is just for fun so don't take it too seriously.

Created by: BlockyMeg
  1. You see a blockhead approaching. What do you do?
  2. A blockhead attacks you. What do you do?
  3. What is your favourite food?
  4. Where do you like to live?
  5. What is your opinion of blockheads?
  6. 1+1=?
  7. What is your favourite colour?
  8. What environment do you prefer?
  9. How many legs do you have?
  10. Do you think you are strong?

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Quiz topic: What "The Blockheads" Mob am I?