What Superhero's Boyfriend Are You?

This one is for the boys. Just because you can save the world, leap tall buildings in a single bound and have a job all in one day doesn't mean you've got love all figured out.

This quiz tests just how well you do in your relationship when you combine it with your hero work. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's hard, often it's not worth it, but it's never dull. Unless you're Mr. Fantastic.

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are most attracted to women who:
  2. When you get into a fight with your girlfriend, you're most inclined to:
  3. You are likely to meet a girl:
  4. You are most attracted to:
  5. This is how you make your money:
  6. Your girlfriend is most likely to call you this:
  7. This is your biggest problem in relationships:
  8. You're the man because:
  9. If I had to describe my ideal relationship one way, it would be:
  10. This is what I do when my girlfriend b----es at me:

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Quiz topic: What Superhero's Boyfriend am I?