What SuJu member are you like?

Many people compaire me to SuJu members so I wanted to have the chance to compaire you to a few SuJu members. Think you wanna do it? There are a few tricks, so watch out!

La La La La La oh hey I didn't see ya there! How would you like to be apart of my quiz, What SuJu member are you?! Its fun, I hope, And Is pretty accurate!!

Created by: Minhee Kim
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you work hard to get to a goal?
  2. Are you self comfident or more contained?
  3. Do you like to trick people?
  4. Favorite color?
  5. Favorite food?
  6. Blood type?
  7. OTP?
  8. Favortie leader?
  9. Favorite maknae??
  10. Do you take good care of your family and friends?

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Quiz topic: What SuJu member am I like?