What state are you from?

It doesn't matter where you you are predicted to be from. It only matters how you are in the inside, not where you are from on the outside. And by the way, don't let people make you think otherwise.

Where are you from? New Jersey, New York, Boston, or Washington State? Thanks to this quiz, in just seconds you will find out. But where you are from doesn't matter. Always remember that.

Created by: Chey
  1. How do you say "Boston"?
  2. How do you say "Orange"?
  3. Do your friends say you have an accent?
  4. Do your parents have accents? (NO EFFECT)
  5. Where were you born?
  6. Where do you live?
  7. What's your favorite state?
  8. Have you been out of the state you live in?
  9. Do you like this quiz? (NO EFFECT)
  10. Will you Subscribe? (NO EFFECT)

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Quiz topic: What state am I from?