What standard medieval villager are you?

In this quiz you can find out who you would be if you lived in between 500 and 1500. Find out if you lived on the seas, in a castle or shabbly in this quiz.

If you think your answer's totally cool, maybe (I totally DOUBT this, you can find out who your North African-European-Asian ancestor was long, long ago!

Created by: Charlotte
  1. Hello. What are you doing?
  2. Your favorite article of clothing is made of...
  3. It's the BC days! Again. You'd love to be...
  4. When you play(ed) after school, what did/do you do?
  5. Ducks!
  6. How often do/did you get crushes?
  7. Let's say you do/did get crushes anyway no matter what you said. What were'are they like?
  8. Describe yourself in one word.
  9. Did/do you go to private school?
  10. The best gift ever would be...

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Quiz topic: What standard medieval villager am I?