What soul caliber character are you?

soul calider is one of the best games out there. the chracters are awsome a have good backgrounds. even though spider-man is not from soul calider, i added him for the hell of it

so you gotta play soul caliber 2!!. because it has good fighting, you can get it for, ps2,x-box,and gamecube. in ps2 you can get hehachi the guy from tekken and for xbox you get spawn. in game cube yo get link

Created by: DARK SPIDER
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what matters most in your life?
  2. what is your favorite kind of music?
  3. what is your weapon?
  4. if a friend dies what do you do?
  5. what is you fighing style?
  6. what song describes you most?
  7. battle cry?
  8. what is your ulimete goal in your life?
  9. who is the most im porant person in your life?
  10. what is the #1 thing you reget most in life?

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Quiz topic: What soul caliber character am I?