What school group are you in?

some people think that to be popular..you need to be immature and stupid..weell you dont..all you need to do is be yourself..try to fit in with others you have never seen or talked too..and sooner or later you will be popularr

are you popular.?do you have the strength,brain,face,and personality to beit??well all you can do now is wonder..until you take this quiz..you must have wondered if you were popular.well now is your chance to figure it out..sooo hurryyy and take this quiz..FAST!!!!!

Created by: kristin
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
  2. Do people do your homework for you.?
  3. how many friends do you have??
  4. What sports do u do?
  5. Are you a virgin??
  6. Do you enjoy school>??
  7. how many boyfriends/girlfriends have you have??
  8. what kind of grades do u get?
  9. if you are a girl..do u wear make up??
  10. How many detentions have you gotten??

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Quiz topic: What school group am I in?