what samurai kids character are you?

samurai kids is a book written by sandy fussel. Sandy fussel is an author, writing over 5 books. The characters in this awesome series are Kyoko, Mikko, Niya, Taji, Nezume and Yoshi.

Which character are you? do you have the power of Yoshi, Taji, Kyoko, Niya, Nezume or mikko. Who knows? In this quiz, you can discover which of these characters are you?

Created by: Mr. Sneaky
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If two of the emperor's guards try to attack you, what do you do?
  2. do you have a crush?
  3. if someone sings a song, would you join in?
  4. what is your favourite sport?
  5. What is your favourite sport?
  6. What is your favourite colour?
  7. What is your favourite animal?
  8. Eddie, Eddie, Eddie
  9. did you like my quiz?
  10. bye

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Quiz topic: What samurai kids character am I?